Bethany Rhoten

Scientist | Educator | Nurse | Consultant

Frechman, E., Dietrich, M. S., Buck, H. G., Rhoten, B. A., & Maxwell, C. A. (2023). Readiness to Plan for Aging and Frailty: Examining Contextual Factors. Journal of gerontological nursing, 49(2), 27–35.

Frechman, E., Dietrich, M. S., Buck, H. G., Rhoten, B. A., & Maxwell, C. A. (2022). PLAN: Preparing and Living for Aging Now; A descriptive study investigating older adults' readiness to plan for aging and frailty. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.), 47, 164–170.

Macias, D., Hand, B. N., Pipkorn, P., Williams, A. M., Chang, S. S., Zenga, J., Nilsen, M. L., Rhoten, B. A., Huang, A. T., Osazuwa-Peters, N., Maurer, S., Balliet, W., Li, H., Ruggiero, K. J., Sterba, K. R., & Graboyes, E. M. (2021). Association of Inventory to Measure and Assess imaGe Disturbance - Head and Neck Scores With Clinically Meaningful Body Image-Related Distress Among Head and Neck Cancer Survivors. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 794038.

Scout, NFN; Rhoten, B. (2021) OUT: The National Cancer Survey, Summary of Findings. Providence, RI: National LGBT Cancer Network

Abanes, J. J., Ridner, S. H., Dietrich, M. S., Hiers, C., & Rhoten, B. (2021). Acupuncture for Sleep Disturbances in Post-Deployment Military Service Members: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical nursing research, 10547738211030602. Advance online publication.

Macias, D., Hand, B. N., Maurer, S., Balliet, W., Ellis, M. A., Pipkorn, P., Huang, A. T., Nilsen, M. L., Ruggiero, K. J., Williams, A. M., Marsh, C. H., Li, H., Rhoten, B. A., Sterba, K. R., & Graboyes, E. M. (2021). Factors Associated With Risk of Body Image-Related Distress in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer. JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery, 10.1001/jamaoto.2021.1378. Advance online publication.

Rhoten, B., Burkhalter, J. E., Joo, R., Mujawar, I., Bruner, D., Scout, N., & Margolies, L. (2021). Impact of an LGBTQ Cultural Competence Training Program for Providers on Knowledge, Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Intensions. Journal of homosexuality, 1–12. Advance online publication.

Abanes, J., Ridner, S. H., & Rhoten, B. (2021). Perceived benefits of a brief acupuncture for sleep disturbances in post-deployment military service members. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 10.5664/jcsm.9222. Advance online publication.

Gibson, J. S., Rhoten, B. A., Ridner, S. H., & Claassen, D. O. (2021). Perceived Effects of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms on Functional Status in Early-stage Huntington Disease. Western journal of nursing research, 193945921992545. Advance online publication.

Bonomo, P., Maruelli, A., Saieva, C., Taylor, K., Singer, S., Patelli, Z., Rogers, S., Mattavelli, D., Simon, C., Scotté, F., de Oliveira, T. B., Murphy, B., Rhoten, B. A., Tassini, U., Fallon, M., Gatidis, O. N., Yarom, N., Bergamini, C., & Bossi, P. (2020). Assessing Preferences in Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Phase I and II of Questionnaire Development. Cancers, 12(12), 3577.

Gibson, J. S., Ridner, S. H., Dietrich, M. S., Sohn, M. B., Rhoten, B. A., & Claassen, D. O. (2021). Measuring Functional Status in Huntington's Disease. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society, 36(3), 757–761.

Akard TF, Dietrich MS, Friedman DL, Wray S, Gerhardt CA, Hendricks-Ferguson V, Hinds PS, Rhoten B, Gilmer MJ. Randomized Clinical Trial of a Legacy Intervention for Quality of Life in Children with Advanced Cancer. J Palliat Med. 2021 May;24(5):680-688. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0139. Epub 2020 Sep 30. PMID: 32996842; PMCID: PMC8064943.

Natavio, T., McQuillen, E., Dietrich, M. S., Wells, N., Rhoten, B. A., Vallerand, A. H., & Monroe, T. B. (2020). A Comparison of the Pain Assessment Checklist for Seniors with Limited Ability to Communicate (PACSLAC) and Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale (PAINAD). Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, 21(6), 502–509.

Rhoten, B. A., Davis, A. J., Baraff, B. N., Holler, K. H., & Dietrich, M. S. (2020). Priorities and Preferences of Patients With Head and Neck Cancer for Discussing and Receiving Information About Sexuality and Perception of Self-Report Measures. The journal of sexual medicine, 17(8), 1529–1537.

Rhoten, B. A., Sellers, J. I., Baraff, B., Holler, K. H., & Ridner, S. H. (2021). A qualitative examination of patient priorities and preferences during treatment decision-making for recurrent head and neck cancer. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(1), 377–385.

Doersam J, Dietrich M, Adair M, Rhoten B, Deng J, Ridner S. (2019). A comparison of symptoms among patients with head and neck or truncal lymphedema and normal controls. Lymphatic Research & Biology.  doi: 10.1089/lrb.2019.0034.

Abanes J, Hiers C, Rhoten B, Dietrich M, Ridner S. (2019). Feasibility and acceptability of a brief acupuncture intervention for service members with perceived stress. Military Medicine. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usz132

Rhoten B, Sellers J, Charron E, Paul N, Radina M. (2019). Sexual activity after treatment for head and neck cancer: the lived experience of survivors. Cancer Nursing Practice. 18(3):22-28

Rhoten B. (2018). Theoretical Foundations of Body Image. In Fingeret M & Teo I (Eds.) Body Image Care for Cancer Patients. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp 11-33.

Ridner S, Rhoten B, Niermann K, Murphy B, Dietrich M. (2018). Vanderbilt head and neck symptom survey, version 2.0: Clinical and research utility for identification of symptom clusters and changes in symptoms over time. Oral Oncology. 83:25-31. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.05.024

Rhoten B, Murphy B, Dietrich M, Ridner S. (2018). Depressive symptoms, social anxiety, and perceived function in patients with head and neck cancer. Head & Neck. 83:25-31. doi: 10.1002/hed.25129

Aulino J, Ridner S, Murphy B, Dietrich M, Niermann K, Deng J, Rhoten B, Doersam J, Jarrett L, Mannion K, Wulff-Burchfield L. (2018). Evaluation of CT changes in the head and neck after cancer treatment: development of a measurement tool. Lymphatic Research & Biology. 16(1):69-74. doi: 10.1089/lrb.2017.0024

Rhoten B. (2017). Conceptual issues surrounding body image for oncology nurses. Oncology Nursing Forum. 44(5): 534-536. doi: 10.1188/17.ONF.534-536


Rhoten B & Dietrich M. (2017). Recurrent head and neck cancer: body image and concerns about sexuality. Cancer Nursing Practice. 16(5): 27-33.

Rhoten B. (2017). Connection, intimacy, and sexual activity after treatment for cancer of the head and neck. Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer February 2017 Newsletter.


Rhoten, B. (2016). Body image disturbance in adults treated for cancer - a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing.72(5):1001-1011. doi: 10.1111/jan.12892


Ridner S, Rhoten B, Radina M, Adair M, Bush-Foster S, Sinclair V. (2016). Help wanted: breast cancer survivors’ perspectives of critical lymphedema self-care support needs. Supportive Care in Cancer. 24(6):2743-2750.  doi: 10.1007/s00520-016-3089-2


Rhoten, B. (2016). Head and neck cancer and sexuality: a review of the literature. Cancer Nursing. 39(4). doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000289


Rhoten B, Radina M, Adair M, Sinclair V, Ridner S. (2015). Hide and seek: body image-related issues for breast cancer survivors with lymphedema. Journal of Women’s Health Issues & Care. 4:2.


Rhoten B, Deng J, Dietrich M, Murphy B, Ridner S. (2014). Body image and depressive symptoms in patients with head and neck cancer: an important relationship. Journal of Supportive Care in Cancer. 22(11):3053-3060. doi: 10.1007/s00520-014-2312-2


Ridner S, Shih Y, Doersam J, Rhoten B, Schultze B, Dietrich M. (2014). A randomized pilot trial evaluating lymphedema self-management with bioelectrical impedance, self-care adherence, and health outcomes. Lymphatic Research and Biology. 12(4): 258-266. doi: 10.1089/lrb.2014.0017


Ridner S, Bonner C, Doersam J, Rhoten B, Schultze B, Dietrich M. (2014). Bioelectrical impedance self-measurement protocol development and daily variation between healthy volunteers and breast cancer survivors with lymphedema. Lymphatic Research and Biology. 12(1):2-9. doi: 10.1089/lrb.2013.0020

Rhoten B. (2013). Body image and lymphedema in patients with head and neck cancer. ONS Lymphedema Management Special Interest Group Newsletter.


Rhoten B, Murphy B, Ridner S. (2013). Body image in patients with head and neck cancer: a review of the empirical literature. Oral Oncology. 49(8):753-760.  doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2013.04.005